
Friday, 12 April 2013


Hello to All,
Hope you guys are having a restful and enjoyable Sunday.
I just wanted to update on our team programs.
I have said that time will tell with this one whether it will come back or not and despite the nonsense being spread by many online…TIME HAS TOLD and I think it is safe to say that the program that was such a big  money earner for so many of us is no more.
That’s a shame but such is the way the money making industry works and there isn’t much more that could be said.
This was a very good program that p.aid all very well for a very long time (longer than most ) and those who got in at the right time did very well.
I can safely say that all of those who got into this when I first advised would have done very well.
PS of course leaves a big void in our portfolio that I will try to fill soon.
This HYIP has been paying instantly for about 2 1/2 months now so no complaints there at all.
Recently there was a minor issue with EGOPAY where the instant payouts were switched off but that has all been resolved now and it’s back to very easy and enjoyable 2.2-2.7% daily payouts for all who got into this when advised.
Again it’s a HYIP so could very easily end up like PS at anytime but that’s the risk we take with these sort of programs….so far so good though.
There is no crystal ball here as this can go on for months and continue to make all who are involved a lot of money or it can fold tomorrow.
So far though, we picked a winner and all who joined when advised should already be in profit with this is they followed a good strategy.

This revenue share program continues to progress with good momentum and personally for me, I am closing in on 20,000 AU’s and I know quite a few of my downline are doing very well here and enjoying themselves in AW.
These online programs are about joining the right programs at the right time and
while this is very difficult for some ( as they just don’t know who/what to trust )
we have been having a pretty good run with programs of late and this is yet another
At the end of the day though, you can e.earn a daily i.ncome from this by simply
viewing 7 ads a day, which allows you to e.arn what seem like 1.2-1.7% daily
(depending on your membership level and of course this amount fluctuates so is
just a range ) for 120 days without any fuss or bother.
Are they based on real products and services….you judge that for yourself.
Does this mean that they can’t succeed and be around for 1-2 years…you judge

that for yourself. What I can say is that the program has good momentum and volume ( a lot of
people are involved and actively repurchasing AU’s ) so that as long as this
continues ,the program will continue to thrive and grow for some time.
It’s been p.aying very well and it’s nice to see everyone e.arning, regardless of if
they sponsored anyone or not…That’s what it is about.
It’s not too late for this one and a simple $15 a month as a $100+ in AU’s can get
you started in my view.
I would like to see more emphasis on products and a debit card like they said but
at the end of the day it is what it is and it’s your choice to pursue this or not.
It’s not a complicated program at all…Join, fund, p.urchase membership, p.urchase
AU’s, view 7 ads a day >>>> re-p.urchase more AU’s with daily e.arnings or
withdraw ( or do some combination )…..THAT’S IT !!

Not much more that I can say that I have not already said about this one.
The program is TOP NOTCH
The back office is TOP NOTCH
The support is TOP NOTCH
The e.arnings and potential earnings are TOP NOTCH
Generational bonuses have already started so members who have upgraded and who brought in other members would have earned some commissions already.
Revenue share starts tomorrow ( Monday 8th April ) and this is where things are going to start to get explosive as members begin to see for themselves the HUGE POTENTIAL of this program.
Those who have not upgraded, well I guess you have your reasons but I hope that with time you JubiRev/Max would have proven itself to the point where you see it fit to join us.
I am going to be doing my downline placement in the next few days so that anyone still thinking of jumping in and upgrading…NOW IS THE TIME.
Once I set the placements, there will be many members who will benefit from this but it is permanent…so once I do it, it’s not like I can go back and stick you in somewhere.
So it boils down to those who take action now/have taken action, will be the ones to derive the most benefit….and rightly so.
I have my INFO LIST for JubiRev so I will be updating all members from that list in a bit.
Please look out for an update from that list….TEAM JUBIREV UPDATE #23

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